“Rarely is it ever simple or straightforward and most times you’ll need to take the long way round to get there”

Hi! We are a family owned and operated nano distillery in Henley Beach, Adelaide. Why Long Way Round Distilling? It stems from the decision to do this in my mid thirties, with Erin (my wife), asking “why did you have to take the long way round?”

It might sound cliché but they say “the journey is as important as the destination” and they’re absolutely right! Rarely is it ever simple or straightforward and most times you’ll need to take the long way round to get there. From this you learn and grow. This refers to both my own journey in life and my journey into the distilling industry and, I feel, something that is relatable for most people.

The thought of starting our own distilling business seemed like an impossible dream but, like many, a global pandemic had us re-evaluating what was important and what we wanted to achieve in our lifetime. It constantly came back to one thing; what are you passionate about?

So, sitting around the kitchen table the idea was discussed to follow my passion in creating unique and wonderful spirits with the added bonus of getting to taste test them. From this LWRD.Co was conceived and the plans were hatched to begin it all. The process to where we are now hasn’t been an easy road, nor should it be. At times I have had self doubt and questioned whether or not it has been a good decision to go down this path, but I believe if you put heart, soul, passion & perseverance into something, it will become something you are proud to call your own.

  • Richard